Dan Begelman


Dan is a world class musician with a passion for composing, recording and performing progressive instrumental rock music. Having recorded three albums with his band Project 7, and with a new solo album just released, Dan continually thrives to stretch his compositional skills and musical prowess to produce instrumental music of the highest caliber.

Lost for Words, Project 7's debut offering, features a sizzling selection of jazz, rock and fusion compositions.

Project 7's sophomore release of Birth Death Infinity takes a more cerebral approach to composition and pushes Project 7 further into the realm of progressive rock.

TRIVIA TIDBIT: Two tracks, "Six Fingers" from Lost For Words and "The Last Night" from Birth Death Infinity, are featured on a compilation guitar CD titled Handz of Danz, available at Guitar 9 Records.

Paradigm Shift, the third Project 7 CD, was released in the fall of 2008, and signaled Project 7's return to its true rock roots.

Dan released his first solo album titled Something Glass in August 2022.

“I hope my music moves you to feel something special - to put a smile on your face or bring tears to your eyes; to shake you up and make you wonder..“

- Dan Begelman